Monday, January 25, 2016


Prayer. That seems to be the theme for 2016 and I think that I am choosing that as my "word of the year". I see it all over facebook...."please pray for......., asking for prayer....., even my pastors (one of which as you know is my dear hubby) are really emphasing prayer in their sermons. I have had many people ask me personally to pray for them or for a situation and I naturally tell them of course I will be praying for them. I do know that sometimes we want to do something more tangible for a friend or family member but really all we can do is pray BUT what a powerful action that is. Much more than doing. Prayer should be the first thing we do, not an "aside" but the main action we take. And I don't know about you but sometimes it seems we just say a quick "Dear Lord, please help..........." when it should be so much more and I'm not talking about the length of the prayer but the intimacy of the prayer. This is a conversation with my best friend, the one who is there for me no matter what and understands all I feel even if I don't understand it. Yes, He hears our quick short bursts of prayer and they are very meaningful but we need that intimacy that spending time with Him gives us. I for one am going to be more deligent in spending more time with Him.

Friday, January 15, 2016

I think I'm finally finished.

Christmas Sunday morning is always so special at our church with all the special music, the Christmas sermon and then comes the Christmas sacks. My father-in-law started this tradition some 50 years ago and we still do it now. I think there would be an uprising if we ever stop doing this. From the babies to the oldest we all love getting our Christmas sacks.
Afterwards with the sanctuary decorated so beautifully for Christmas, there are lots of family pictures to be made along with pictures with dear friends.
On Christmas Eve we don't do much but we do take flowers to Jimmie and Milton's gravesite and then on to the church for Christmas Eve communion. Very special time.
Our family loves traditions and I am so glad. This tradition started with my parents a long time ago: Christmas breakfast. Plus this year was our first Christmas on the mountain. I am so thankful that my entire family was there and that it means alot to them to be there. They really make an effort to be present. I am one very blessed Mama.
Well, finally as the boys say....time for presents and boy do they dig in. Even Miss LilyLou did. I love watching their faces and their excitement as they open each thing.

Christmas was certainly fun and fast and furious this year. I thank God for all of his wonderful blessings to our family. Without him, we would be nothing.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Not yet!

We had a very busy Christmas holiday season this year and took lots of pictures AND because I primarily use this blog as a journal I am posting lots of pictures. Or had you guessed that by now. So here we go to the next activitiy.....setting up the Christmas tree with a little help from Miss LilyAnn.
With the presents under that tree, she of course had to checked them out, along with the boys.
We spend one evening looking at the Christmas lights around town and stopped at a live nativity complete with all the animals. The kids loved it. The camel even tried to take a bite of Jonah's blonde hair. Must have thought it was hay and that it looked yummy.
Then another night we watched the older boys first school Christmas program. It was so cute.
Lastly for this post is our Christmas cookie making night. We made a ton of cookies as you can see. Isaiah got into it more than any of the kids and into more of the flour as well. We rolled dough, cut shapes, sprinkled candy and spread icing for what seemed like forever.
 Wish I had some of these right now.