Here is another installment of Journey Into Spirit Life. I hope someone is receiving what the Lord has for them through Gary's book.
Through this book, you receive guidance toward finding your place in the Kingdom. Take this guidance and open your spirit to the inward teachng of the Holy Spirit. Tllke our scripture references, study them and the surrounding passages and pray that the Holy Spirit reveals the fullness of the Word to you. This function of the Holy Spirit quickens [gives true, active, blessed, endless, vital, fresh, vigorous, powerful, efficient life to] your mortal body. But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. -Romans 8:11
Believer, you can live an abundant life. You can live out your full purpose of life as God intended. You do not have to be ruled out of your emotions and reasonings as most are. You can know a "spirit dominance" and demand that your soul and body come into cooperation with your spirit. Spirit dominance is the human spirit submitted to the Teacher. the Holy Spirit, with flesh (soul and body) cooperating to the maturity of the believer and the glory of God. We will explore these truths more fully to a place of understanding and, by the help of the Holy Spirit, you will enter into a place of fullness, peace, power and purpose in the Kingdom of God.
Jesus taught the Kingdom. It was His central, core message. His parables illustrated Kingdom principles. In His sermon on the mount, recorded in Matthew 5, Jesus sets forth Kingdom citizen attributes in the first nine verses. Unfortunately, these attributes are largely ignored or understated in the modern church. If a new or renewed believer could receive only one teaching, this is it. If every believer embraced the truth contained within this one sermon of Jesus, the church would change the world "overnight". Let's take a fresh look at this greatest of Jesus' teachings. Mat 5:1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: Mat 5:2 And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying, Mat 5:3 Blessed [are] the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Do you have relationship with God through Christ? If you do, it is because you recognized your spiritual poverty. Because you cannot save yourself, keep yourself or mature yourself, you must have a Savior. His name is Jesus and He was sent from the Father for that purpose. Every believer, a person who comes to know God through Jesus, comes the same way, after being made aware of their poverty. Recognizing that spiritual poverty and embracing Jesus as Savior results in our receiving the Kingdom of heaven, the Kingdom of God. Upon our recognition of poverty and our believing on Jesus as our Savior, the seed of the Kingdom is planted in us by the Holy Spirit. Jesus told the disciples that the Kingdom of God is without observation and is within the believer. Following salvation, the planting of the seed, a new believer is then to grow in the Kingdom, finding his place and purpose in the Kingdom and knowing righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Sometimes, this growth does not happen, does not happen fully or is delayed due to lack of understanding. Sometimes, this growth never occurs or is very limited in the believer's life. Rom 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Notice that preceding this verse in scripture, there has been an argument about legalism. Some thought is was acceptable to eat meat. Others did not. Paul sums up his response in Romans 14:17. This scripture is not a definition of the Kingdom but an explanation of the way the Kingdom is manifested. It is NOT manifested by abstinence from meat or drink. It IS manifested by righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. In the Holy Ghost. Your place in the Kingdom does not come by legalism. The Galatians were called foolish for believing this (Galatians 3:1) and were taught, as we must be, that maturing or going on in the Lord is in the Holy Ghost. You can't mature yourself any more than you could redeem yourself to God. It is in your spirit and by the Holy Spirit that the seed of the Kingdom grows within you; you progressively exhibit the attributes of the Kingdom and you enjoy righteousness, peace and joy, the manifestation or result of the Kingdom in you.
Ham and Barley Soup
6 hours ago