Before I post any pictures of our Easter weekend activities I want to express my words-cannot-express gratitude to my Jesus for the awesome, amazing sacrifice He made for me. I simply cannot imagine enduring the suffering He endured for me and you, horrifying. We cannot anymore think of the Savior dying on that cross in just a casual way. He was so tortured for us and yet he never complained; could have stopped it all and didn't because of His enormous love for us. I just can't take it all in. But now and forever because of His love, I will be able to praise Him for that act of love for eternity. I hope you can too.
Now to pictures of our weekend. We dyed eggs with the boys, hunted eggs at Detra and Cliffs (Thanks so much for your most generous hospitality every year for the last 30 years), ate too much good food, took naps and ended with a campfire at the land.