No pictures this time but WOW what a week! I took a week off from work to "de-clutter" my house. But my first project was going to be painting a built-in desk in our middle bedroom. The book shelves are wood but the desk top is formica. OMGosh what a job this turned out to be. I first painted it white as a base and was going to leave it white but I love color so I decided to paint it red. SO......after purchasing a gallon of red paint, painting on two coats and it not covering, my daughter suggested I paint it with a gray primer. I did that and then Gary discovered the red paint was defective and that was why it wasn't covering (and probably didn't need the gray primer). Took the red paint back, got a different brand of the same color red, painted two coats of this paint and was finished. Let's see now, that is 6 coats of paint on this desk over four days!!!!!! And I thought this was going to be finished in one day and I could move on to other places to clean. NOT. Finally this morning I applied a black stain that I wiped off leaving a black glaze and now we wait until next week to put everything back in the shelves and desk that has been sitting in this bedroom and down the hall ALL WEEK!!!! WOW!!!!
I did get a couple of closets, bathroom drawers, back porch clean out and straightened, pictures hung and other minor projects waiting for attention but Really???? A Whole Week to paint one desk?? I'm exhausted.
Now on to Jenny's tomorrow for Disney on Ice Toy Story 3. Yeah!!!!!!
(I know...lot's of puncuation and caps. What can I say, I'm dramatic!!!!!!!)
Friday, September 30, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Repainted Desk
I am so terrible at getting before pictures of furniture I have redone so this should be no surprise that AGAIN I didn't think to get any pictures but this cute little desk was not bad when I bought it. It was a cream color with light green trim, cute little flowers on the front and top but the top also had two of the corners painted the light green which looked totally out of place. When looking the the desk over it was kind of a "oh how cute" until you looked at the top and then it was "what is up with the corners?" kind of thing. Anyway, I decided it would really look great painted a dark red with a black glaze. It really turned out great, just not my pictures. The pictures make it look kind of orange and it's not at all. Oh well, hopefully I will get better at this picture taking thing.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Answered Prayers
Prayers have been answered again. Gary is doing great. He only had to have one stent and everything else looked great. Was only going to have to stay overnight in the hospital but then his platelet count dropped dangerously low so he had to have a platelet transfusion. This brought it up some but later yesterday is went back down, just not as low. So last night he had to have another transfusion. This morning his count went up to a good level and the doctor released him to go home. He will have to go for more blood work tomorrow but I think he is one the mend. He feels much better after the stent and will continue to do so. Thank you Jesus for your many blessings.
Friday, September 9, 2011
We pray for our country, our leaders, our military, the families who lost loved ones. 10 years and it seems as fresh as if it was yesterday. We will never forget.
Please be in prayer for Gary. He will be having a heart cath on Monday morning. Praying the blockage is either not there or can be corrected at the time without any major surgery.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Wow! It was absolutely beautiful. We went to some friends house this weekend and they treated us to some great barbeque and an awesome fireworks show. We were supposed to be doing this on July 4th but there was a burn ban going on because of the 110 plus degree temps we were having daily at that time. The boys were with us and thoroughly enjoyed the fireworks. I really thought they might be afraid of the noise but Noah just get saying "Oh my doodness". And Jonah just laid on Gary's lap in awe. So cute.
Laundry room reveal pictures to come in a day or so. We are pretty much finished, just a few finishing touches left to do.
Laundry room reveal pictures to come in a day or so. We are pretty much finished, just a few finishing touches left to do.
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