I have been following several blogs that have really touched me. Both have buttons on here that will take you directly to their blog. One is Stephanie Nielsen who was in an airplane crash last August. Both she and her husband survived but with terrible burn injuries especially her. She is such a courageous young woman and is so inspiring. If you are ever feeling down or alone and need a lift, just read her blog and how she is dealing with this tragedy and how she looks to our wonderful God for strength. I want to reach out to her and hold her in my arms like a mother would her child and tell her it's going to be OK. I know I can't but God can and does.
Another blog is about Stellan, a 5 month old that is struggling with heart problems. I have a 5 month old grandchild and simply can't imagine what this mother is going through. She is also a courageous young woman who puts her trust in our wonderful God. She never knows from day to day what will be going on with her little one. She posts her frustrations but also posts her love and trust in God. I pray for these two women everyday and even though I don't know them, I know Jesus does and he hears all of the prayers going up for these families every day. If you have a minute, take a look at both of these blogs and say a pray for them. I know they would appreciate it. God is and God is good, in everything.